California (Bay Area) Newspapers, 1885-1948
Scope and Contents
Selected newspapers of significant events including, Golden Gate International Exposition (1939), John F. Kennedy assasination (1963), World War II (1941), and San Francisco bridges (1934). See linked inventory for more details.
- 1885-1948
Conditions Governing Access
Collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 50 Linear Feet (This extent is a temporary placeholder, mw, 20211026. List of Newspapers: Alta California (San Francisco, Calif.: Weekly), 1849-1850; Daily Alta California, 1849-1891; Daily Evening News (Modesto, Calif.), 1884-1902; Farmers' Daily Journal. (Turlock, Calif.), 1921-1923; Merced Express, 1875-1881; The Merced Herald, 1868-1869; Merced People, 1872; The Merced Star, 1886-1921; Merced Tribune, 1872-1897; The Modesto Bee, 1975 - current; The Modesto Bee and News-Herald, 1933-1975; Modesto Herald (Modesto, Calif.), 1875-1887; Modesto Journal and Valley Citizen, 1945-1957; Modesto Morning Herald, 1904-1922; The Modesto News (“Evening” above masthead), 1902-1913; The Modesto News-Herald, 1926-1933; The Modesto Tribune, 1926-1966; Modesto Times Review, 1989-1993; The Sacramento Bee, 1961-2006; The Sacramento Reporter, 1870-1871; San Joaquin Valley Argus, 1869 1890; Stanislaus County News (Modesto, Calif.), 1870-1871; Stanislaus County Weekly News, 1872-1906; Stockton Daily Independent, 1861-1875; Tulare County Record, 1859; Tulare County Record and Fresno Examiner, 1859; Tuolumne City News, 1868-1869; Turlock Daily Journal and Farmers' Daily Journal (Turlock, Calif.), 1923; Turlock Daily Journal (Turlock, Calif.), 1912 -1921; Turlock Daily Journal (Turlock, Calif.: 1923), 1923-1979; Turlock Journal (Turlock, Calif.: 1909), 1909-1910; Turlock Journal (Turlock, Calif.: 1979), 1979 -current; Turlock Tribune (Turlock, Calif.), 1912-1955; Turlock Weekly Journal, 1912-1919; The Visalia Delta, 1861-1864; The Visalia Sun, 1860; Visalia Weekly Delta (Visalia, Calif.: 1859), 1859-1861; Visalia Weekly Delta (Visalia, Calif.: 1864), 1864-1866; The Visalia Weekly Sun, 1860; Weekly Alta California, 1852,1854; Weekly Merced Herald, 1865-1866;)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the California State University Stanislaus Special Collections and University Archives Repository
University Library
One University Circle
Turlock CA 95382 United States